Christian Counseling Discussions | International College of Ministry
Christian Counseling Discussions

Christian Counseling Discussions

Christian Counseling Discussions


Christian Counseling students, a new course is now available in ICM's Christian Counseling catalog titled "Pastoral Counseling." This course covers... Show more

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Each December, ICM publishes a fireside chat video to close out the year. This year, Dr. Self shares a word on overcoming the holiday blues.

Overcoming Those Holiday Blues

In Dr. Ray's 2019 Fireside Chat, he discusses overcoming the holiday blues.

Proverbs 17:22 - A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a
broken spirit drieth the bones.A happy and whole heart can literally bring physical...
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Physical Abuse Statistics:
One in four women (25%) has experienced domestic violence in
her lifetime.
Between 600,000 and 6 million women are...
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Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is any nonphysical behavior
or attitude that controls, intimidates, subjugates, demeans, punishes, or
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Melessa VanSandt Before coming to Christ, I lived on both sides of the spectrum--the abused and the abuser. It's not something I'm proud of but we live what we are... Show more 5 years ago
Dr. Ray Self I understand. It is very easy to unknowingly walk both sides, the victim and the perpetrator. 5 years ago

This week we concluded our study on Pastoral Counseling. The final lesson in the series was titled Blended Families a.k.a. counseling The Brady... Show more

This week we concluded our study on Pastoral Counseling. The final lesson in the series was titled Blended Families a.k.a. counseling The Brady Bunch. Everyone in attendance had some kind of experience with blended families, step-parents and step-children, and shared many testimonies. If you have personal experience, a testimony, or a question about counseling blended families, post your comment or question here and ICM's staff and counselors will reply.
Sherry Self and 2 others have liked Page 5 years ago

Dysfunctional Roles People Play

Many of us were raised in dysfunctional families. Within those systems, the family tends to enable dysfunctional...
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4 Dysfunctional Roles People Play Who Were... In life, we are all playing a role. We all have certain habits that we repeat over and over again whether we know it or...